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Experts Speak.

Airline Menus Underrated

You get onto your flight…settle down, and turn on the seatback screen, whilst rummaging through the seatback looking for something interesting to read, and up comes the menu!

A quick cursory glance at the dishes…wondering what you should order, and, especially when you are travelling business or first, the choice is always excellent. Separate wine lists on certain prestige airlines also tempt passengers to indulge. Then the menu is back in its place until dessert, and onto the screen to watch a movie.

If the average passenger realized the extent and work the airline, in conjunction with a menu service provider, have gone through to ensure a menu onboard, he or she would definitely give it the respect it deserves.

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Perfect Statement Online

Banks, utilities, retailers and credit card providers have all discovered the value of Trans-promo communications, which merges transaction and content into one printed document. You can now incorporate highly tailored messages – based on data about a consumer’s buying habits and preferences – into transaction documents, to provide messages relevant to a client’s specific needs and promote additional products and services.

Statements and invoices, are forms of communications that are regularly exchanged between any business and their clients. These documents are anticipated, and because of their financial information, they are often opened and read before any other mail. The consumer expects the document and recognises its relevance to their financial interests

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Print Wide Format Digital

You get onto your flight…settle down, and turn on the seatback screen, whilst rummaging through the seatback looking for something interesting to read, and up comes the menu!

A quick cursory glance at the dishes…wondering what you should order, and, especially when you are travelling business or first, the choice is always excellent. Separate wine lists on certain prestige airlines also tempt passengers to indulge. Then the menu is back in its place until dessert, and onto the screen to watch a movie.

If the average passenger realized the extent and work the airline, in conjunction with a menu service provider, have gone through to ensure a menu onboard, he or she would definitely give it the respect it deserves.

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Printing Model

In today’s print scenario, most of the thriving print shops ensure the right combination of digital web, wide-and grand-format, cut-sheet and hybrid offset/digital printing from an infrastructural point of view. As a result these plants, with both processes namely conventional and digital, can be termed ‘hybrid’ environments.

Although the gross contribution to overall revenue from digital printing is not as large, it still has its significant benefits; providing value-additions to a particular work using digital print, can end up being particularly rewarding!

Are companies doing all that they can only to stay abreast with the competition that prevails in the printing industry?

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Printing on Promo

Trans-Promo materials are basically transaction documents that contain promotional messages and are a relatively new way to engage customers in direct targeted communication.

This high ROI channel leverages the power of transaction documents such as telephone bills, credit card and utility bills, invoices and purchase orders and bank tatements, to cut through the cacophony and noise that surrounds us today! This channel of communication is the most effective way to reach customers with personalized offers printed and is ideally suited for forming strong client relationships as a marketing partner.

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